"About Me & Information Resource Center": Promoting & Advocating Mental Disabilities As Well As Promoting Religious Jewish / Christian Interfaith Dialogs. 


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Description: This is about a wide range of topics  and or subjects from Science, Astronomy, New Age,  Space Technology, Indigo Children Spirituality, Discussing Computer Related Issues, 2012,  Unidentified Flying Objects "UFOs", NASA, Mars,  Milkyway Galaxy, Space Travel, Alternative Health & Organic Lifestyles,  Metaphysical to the Midnight Paranormal Radio Shows,  to Networking and other forum discussions. I had developed this particular website and forum for the wide range of the various subject matters and or various topics and discussions related from: New Age, Space Age, Space Travel, Science & Technology, Futuristic Concepts of Space and Technology to that of the Supernatural and Paranormal to that of all Natural Organic Herbal Health in regaurds towards the 21St Century A.D. please pass this on and tell others about this forum thank you. 



Hi my name is Brandon Keys I was born and grew up in Washington State all my life and still live in Washington State even today I love sci-fi comics, astronomy, star trek, flash gorden and the group "guster" the song "satellite". But since there was only a small chance of having "Autism Asperger's Syndrome" and "ADHD" stands for "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder". I was always the odd-ball in the group the one who stuck out in the crowd and was picked on by bullies who picked on me and teased me and chased me all over the playground of Elementary School. I also remember being teased, pushed and chased around the playground I was bullied a lot when I was growing up it was no walk in the park and of course I was the little one and smaller one that they had to pick on. I however pretended that they where "evil alien war-lords" out to destroy the galaxy and that they where in war with me in space "because" that was the only way I could deal with the bulling that I received at school. So I knew that they where very jealous of me and how much better off I was then they where so they attacked me and tried to scare me trying to make them selves bigger butt I knew there true identity. I took a lot of abuse from a lot of other bigger children and many other kids growing up I was the one being bullied and being targeted for the attack in school growing up. I saw my self as a "space ranger" fighting evil trying to save the galaxy the school was my galaxy and the bullies was the evil alien war-lords that so I tried to escape from in my ship. I really one very much different then most of everybody in school and I was truly the one being picked on just because of who  was and for my size. So I compared them to evil aliens in comic-books and evil characters in stories. When I was little boy in first, second and third grades I was bullied a lot I was cornered up againts a locker by these mean kids that had nothing better to do butt to pick on somebody smaller then they where. When I was little kid in school I was the kind of kid that never picked on anybody or had thoughts of harming others. 





 CONTACT INFORMATON: Brandon Michael  Keys  P.O. Box 359 Granite Falls Washington, 98252-0359                      Phone: (360)-691-0307  http://youtube.com/user/keys201 http://wwwyoutubecomkeys201.blogspot.com/




I am also a huge fan of "Battlestar Galactica" the origional show and of  Star trek I am an artist who draws free hand in pin & ink on regular paper. The movies I like and connect with along the lines of my childhood IS "MARTIAN CHILD", "THE LAST MIMZY", "FLIGHT OF THE NAVIGATOR" and "EXPLORERS". I hate Bullying and I hate when others bully other poeple and make fun of and tease them just becuse they them selves are feeling down about them selves does not give them the right. In the movie "MARTIAN CHILD"  in the beggening of the movie the boy out on the playground the one that was bullied and had the ball thrown at him and ran into the school screaming that was me that right there is how I grew up whene I was little growing up in school  I also grew up in a Jewish Home and also in a Jewish Family and I have always as a child knew of how the Jewish Holidays and Jewish High Holidays were always celebrated to the many traditions that we are apart of and take part in I know what its like growing up in a Jewish Home and a Jewish Family growing up as a little boy growing up. I grew up going to all three types of Jewish Synagogues and to all three types of Jewish Faiths called Messianic Judaism, Orthodox Judaism and to Reform Judaism but we went to a Conservative Jewish Synagogue once too as well and I kinda liked it was very cool and very awesome and it was a very unique experience at the most and will always cherish it and keep that in mind. (("My Diagnoses of "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder", At A Vary Early & Vary Young Age In My Life Growing Up:., I remember being diagnosed with "Static Encephalopathy" along with the diagnose of "ADHD" as a 4 and 5 year old boy myself and I did hear that the diagnose and cases of "Static Encephalopathy" along with the diagnose of "ADHD" maybe linked with "Autism Asperger's Syndrome" in some ways. But the doctors and my parents didn't really ever knew if I ever had "Autism Asperger's Syndrome" at all but because I have had "ADHD" along with the diagnoses of. "Static Encephalopathy" at a vary early and vary young age in life as a young 4 and 5 year old boy there was only a small chance of having "Autism Asperger's Syndrome" and "ADHD" stands for "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder". ")) I remember being teased and made fun of for my disability growing up and that there was a lot of many other students that didn't like who I was and wanted to torment me and to harass me all the time just to make themselves better. 



These are my favorite movies and inclueding "STAR TREK" I just hope there are others out there with the same kind of passion I have for the future and a good hope for humanity. I dont want our future in danger of being tooken from us and the Earth being putt into jeperdy I hope one day there is going to be colonies in thruout the Solor System brand new ceures for dangerus desises. I am "Anti-bully" and totelly agenst school bullying and the harassment of others bullyies are like "evil alian's" out to attack other humans thru there agenda and to take control and to case fear in others. 



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